
Should parking on pavements be banned?

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Should parking on pavements be banned?

The law on pavement parking

The current legislation is hazy at best!

Driving on a pavement has been an offence since the Highways Act of 1835.

But while parking on a pavement is against the law in London, it’s not elsewhere.

That’s why The Highway Code states, in rule 244, that motorists “must not” park partially or wholly on the pavement in London but says that motorists “should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it”.

Should Councils act?

Councils do have powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to restrict or ban parking on individual streets by the making of a Traffic Regulation Order.

And a few councils, including Exeter and Worcester, have banned parking on pavements through private Acts of Parliament.

But these processes can be time-consuming.

This has led to Guide Dogs for the Blind is calling for a ban that operates throughout the UK, with councils being able to specifically permit it on certain roads.

Justice for pedestrians!

It is an excellent idea, as it would give flexibility for councils to allow pavement parking in some specific locations – such as very narrow streets – and freedom from pavement parking for the rest of us.

The charity Living Streets, which champions the rights of pedestrians, also campaigns against pavement parking.

It has information on the legal issues, posters that can be downloaded for display in local shop windows or libraries and template letters you can send to your local council or police.

So if it’s an issue that infuriates you as well, then get in touch with them.

What do you think?

Should parking on pavements be banned?

Or maybe you think that roads are so narrow and parking in such short supply that pavement parking should be permissible?

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